If considering menstrual hygiene as a silent issue is like abandoning the participation of women and young women

ថ្ងៃសៅរ៍ ទី២៨ ខែឧសភា​ ឆ្នាំ២០២២      ម៉ៅ សំណាង
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Phnom Penh - In Cambodia, when it comes to the word “menstrual hygiene”, it is like a new discussion topic or women’s issues. But in reality, the health of women and girls during menstruation is becoming a critical issue that countries around the world pay attention to and are learning how to better manage menstrual hygiene for women and the environment. On Saturday morning, May 28, 2022, The Department of Rural Health Care of the Ministry of Rural Development celebrated the World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022 online on the theme “making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030”



Dr. Lon Sayteng, Director of the Department of Rural Health Care of the Ministry of Rural Development stated that if everyone considers menstrual hygiene to be a silent issue or conceals the information, it is like abandoning the participation of women and girls in education, employment, and social development. Therefore, every 28th of May, the world celebrates Menstrual Hygiene Day with the purpose to emphasize the importance of keeping women’s hygiene during menstruation.  


Dr. Lon Sayteng added that menstrual hygiene is something that everyone should know and discuss widely. At the same time, he called on all development apartments to continue to support this activity, especially to disseminate information widely to the public to participate together to improve the menstrual hygiene for women and girls.



Dr. Lon Sayteng, Director of the Department of Rural Health Care: “Today is the Menstrual Hygiene Day in the spirit of support, I would like to congratulate and fully support the sisters and girls in the menstrual age. Being Ignored, silent, and shy during menstruation can cause women's health problems and even the risk of infertility and disease.” 


Meanwhile, Mr, Hang Hybunna, Water and Sanitation Specialist of Plan International Cambodia stated that the Menstrual Hygiene Day has been celebrated since 2014 and chosen on May 28th to celebrate every year, because every 28 days, women and girls of reproductive age will have periods. He added that the consideration of women’s menstrual hygiene is empowering women’s participation in all activities. 



Mr. Hang Hybunna, Water and Sanitation Specialist of Plan International Cambodia: “Women’s menstrual issues are very important that everyone should know and encourage women. According to a study, a woman will menstruate for approximately 3000 days during her lifetime which is equal to 8 years.” Thus, if we say that every day is a good day, we want everyone to dare to speak, participate, and prepare various infrastructures to respond to this problem. This includes considering the construction of toilets, soaps, tampons in the public places, clean water, and disposing of the used tampons.”  


At the same time, Mr. Hang Hybunna indicated that if we look at the Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6), point 6.2 determines that the consideration of menstrual hygiene for women and girls is essential that everyone get involved. In particular, good management of menstrual hygiene must respond to the activities in the Sustainable Development Goals that the Royal Government of Cambodia is implementing.  


In addition, according to a survey conducted by the Plan International Cambodia, women and girls in Cambodia face menstrual challenges, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic. The embarrassment of buying tampons, the concern about the economic situation using tampons, and some bad traditional prohibitions have misled people. 


To be informed that the Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022 is organized by the Department of Rural Health of the Ministry of Rural Development in collaboration with the Plan International Cambodia, Department of Rural Water Supply, Water Aid Cambodia with the participation of professional officers and the representative of relevant development partners.


The discussion of the Menstrual Hygiene Day, 2022 mentioned that when it comes to women’s menstrual hygiene, everyone should consider hygiene materials or napkins/tampons, and health or environmental effects resulting from all of those problems. Menstrual hygiene in schools is also a focal point to pay attention to, especially in the policy of promoting health education of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The main components to participate in improving menstrual hygiene in the community effectively are commune councils, schools, public places, and all citizens.


It should be reminded that the Menstrual Hygiene Day in 2021 was celebrated on May 28th, focusing on the theme of increasing action and investment in Menstrual Hygiene and Health. The celebration of this day aims to break the silence of women and girls to have a higher awareness of health and hygiene during menstruation. Women and girls should not consider menstruation as something to be ashamed of and should be proud of themselves to be women and girls who can pregnant by thinking that every day is a good day for them as a woman.


Translated by Chhay Sochea, Plan Cambodia Programme Intern


